Park Ridge Football Falcons

Park Ridge Falcons Travel Football Video

Park Ridge Falcons Travel Football Program Overview & Highlights

The Park Ridge Falcon Travel Football program provides an opportunity for players who want to participate in a highly competitive level of tackle football against the finest competition in the Chicagoland area.

The Park Ridge Falcon Travel Football teams are formed in accordance to age and weight guidelines defined by our affiliation with the Bill George Youth Football League (BGYFL).

The Park Ridge Falcon Travel Football coaches will emphasize teaching fundamental football skills, advanced offensive and defensive schemes, player conditioning, and team building.


  • We will host 8u, 9u, 10u, 11u, 12u, and 13u/14u teams (3rd-8th graders, no high schoolers allowed). Team placement is based on age, not grade. Birth certificates required for new players.
  • Players will be selected for teams (Gold-Elite or Silver-Competitive) based on their position, experience and evaluation. We are a no-cut league (as is Maine South) so all registered athletes will be placed on a team.
  • Roster spots for each age level are limited! Once a level is filled, your child will be placed on a waitlist.
  • All Teams will be rostered in TeamSnap
VARSITY (8TH) 73 3
JV (7TH) 74 3
11U (6TH) 46 2
10U (5TH) 46 2
9U (4TH) 42 2
8U (3RD) 20 1
TOTAL 301 14
  •   Getting started in TeamSnap: Please review this online guide to get set up with TeamSnap!


Equipment Fittings:

Varsity Monday July 14th 7:00-8:30- NEW date!

JV Wednesday July 16th 7:00-8:30

11U Thursday July 17th 7:00-8:30

10U Monday July 21st 7:00-8:30- NEW date!

8U and 9U Tuesday July 22nd 7:00-8:30- NEW date!

Makeup Thursday July 24th 7:00-8:30

Make Up Monday July 28th 7:00-8:30

Adjustments and Makeups:

Every Tuesday Night in August from 8:00-9:00


Practice starts Thursday July 31st and Friday August 1st

All kids must practice 2 days without full equipment even if joining late (Helmets are allowed)

Evaluations are from July 31st through August 8th-players assigned to teams weekend of August 9th

(JV Evals may go later due to Baseball Travel Schedules)

Kids are Placed on Gold or Silver based upon their evaluations for that year-some years kids will move from Gold to Silver or Vice Versa and parents should remember this is what we deem to be in the players best interest for that season.

All Levels are extremely competitive; many factors go into determining level including experience, game knowledge, aggression, skill sets, size and number of players at a certain position.

This gives kids the best opportunity for actual game experience which we feel will serve them well in the future

5 days of practice allowed until School starts (Max 2 hours)

Once school starts Max 3 days (2 hours) but up to a 90 minute walk through and or film allowed each week

Remember to bring coolers of ice on hot days (Parents and Coaches)

Still waiting for official first game day will confirm when notified by League

Likely will play in Palatine Jamboree again if invited (would be the weekend before the first official game


First Game likely the weekend before Labor Day

The League always Plays Games Labor Day Weekend (please avoid planning travel that weekend)

Games are scheduled by the League and could be any time Saturday or Sunday

Home Games normally played at Hinkley or Maine South

Schedule will be 8-9 Games plus up to 3 Playoff Games where appropriate

All Levels (other than 8U) have standings and playoffs-usually top 8 teams

Practice Parks:

Varsity-Hinkley and Northwest Park

JV South Park

11U Prospect Park

8U, 9U and 10U Lincoln

Park Ridge Falcons Travel Football Program Structure

The Park Ridge Travel Tackle Football teams are formed based on the age and weight classifications established by the Bill George Youth Football League (BGYFL).

During registration, each player is required to provide a copy of their birth certificate and is weighed. The Park Ridge Football Board of Directors reserves the right to place players on teams where they can play safely.

Age and Weight Criteria:
BGYFL institutes rules for Age and Weight criteria to give more kids the opportunity to play by allowing them to compete with players closer to their own age and weight:

*Age based on age prior to August 1; Your child will be assigned to a level by AGE, not grade
Varsity level is generally 8th graders, must not be enrolled in high school
9U/4th Grade example: Any player 9 or younger, but no player who turned 10 before August 1 of current calendar year with a “striper” weight of 89 pounds

What is a Striper?
At the age group a player resides in there is a weight that becomes a striper. Using 9U as an example (see graphic below) any player at that level 88lbs and under on week one is eligible to play any position on the field. Any player over 88lbs becomes a striper and has to play on the offensive or defensive lines. Players are then allowed .5 pound growth per week. The stripers have no weight gain restrictions. They wear a stripe on their helmet to identify they are a striper, once you are a striper you stay a striper for the season. Please know that we do not want kids “cutting” a ton of weight for a position. There is no maximum weight for “stripers”. Players have the option to compete at the next level at the discretion of parents/coaches/PRSI board.

Park Ridge Falcons Travel Football Program Details

Practice Dates:

  • Practice starts Thursday July 31st and Friday August 1st
  • All kids must practice 2 days without full equipment even if joining late (Helmets are allowed)
  • Evaluations are from July 31st through August 8th-players assigned to teams weekend of August 9th
  • (JV Evals may go later due to Baseball Travel Schedules)
  • Kids are Placed on Gold or Silver based upon their evaluations for that year-some years kids will move from Gold to Silver or Vice Versa and parents should remember this is what we deem to be in the players best interest for that season
  • All Levels are extremely competitive; many factors go into determining level including experience, game knowledge, aggression, skill sets, size and number of players at a certain position.
  • This gives kids the best opportunity for actual game experience which we feel will serve them well in the future
  • 5 days of practice allowed until School starts (Max 2 hours)
  • Once school starts Max 3 days (2 hours) but up to a 90 minute walk through and or film allowed each week
  • Coaches, please do not start a game day practice earlier than 1 hour before the game so kids remain fresh
  • Remember to bring coolers of ice on hot days (Parents and Coaches)
  • Likely will play in Palatine Jamboree again if invited (would be the weekend before the first official game

Practice Locations:

  • Varsity (14U) Practices and Evals will be at Hinkley Park & Northwest Park
  • JV (12U) Practices and Evals will be at South Park
  • 11U Practices and Evals will be at Prospect Park
  • 8U, 9U and 10U Practices and Evals will be at Lincoln

*Practice dates/time subject to change

All teams will participate in a eight (8) to nine (9) game regular season consisting of home and away games beginning at the end of August and  ending in October with the opportunity to participate in 3 additional playoff games depending on record. Please Note:

  • Games are played Labor Day weekend
  • Games could be any time of day Saturday or Sunday. Due to ongoing ref issues, older levels may have a weeknight/Monday night game(s)
  • 8th grade will have game mid-week game leading up to DC Field Trip (generally Columbus Day weekend)
  • Based on availability, home field is Maine South, otherwise games will play at Hinkley unless field conditions warrant moving to another Park Ridge field
  • May participate in a Scrimmage in Palatine the 3rd weekend of August
  • 1st Games are most likely August 23-24
  • 8-9 Game Regular Season ending 3rd weekend of October
  • Teams with successful records may participate in up to three (3) additional regional playoff games and Super Bowl championship tournament
  • Playoffs begin last weekend of October (must qualify and then playoffs are single elimination)
  • BGYFL Championships (SuperBowl) Finals are second weekend in November

The Park Ridge Travel Falcons play against highly competitive youth travel football teams from the Bill George Youth Football League (BGYFL).

BGYFL Members

All registrants will be placed on a team – Park Ridge Football and Cheer supports a No Player Cut policy

Each Park Ridge Travel Football team with adhere to the minimum play rules defined by the Bill George Youth Football League (BGYFL).


  • All players will be assigned to their Teams by end of second week in August.
  • The goal of the program is to provide the best possible experience to all players.
  • We would like all athletes placed where they can best develop their skill levels, be safe and have fun.


  • Varsity (14U) Practices and Evals will be at Hinkley Park & Northwest Park
  • JV (12U) Practices and Evals will be at South Park
  • 11U Practices and Evals will be at Prospect Park
  • 9U and 10U Practices and Evals will be at Lincoln


  • Evaluations are from July 31st through August 8th-players assigned to teams weekend of August 9th
  • (JV Evals may go later due to Baseball Travel Schedules)
  • Specific times will be added later

*Practice dates/time subject to change


  • If you have questions prior to evaluations, please email Jim Toulon, Director of Falcons Football, at If you have any questions during evaluations, please direct them to one of the coaches at your level.

All EQUIPMENT PICK UP/FITTINGS (helmet, shoulder pads, practice pants & jersey) will take place at Prospect Park (garage) 733 N Prospect Ave, Park Ridge


  • Varsity Tuesday July 15th 7:00-8:30
  • JV     Wednesday July 16th7:00-8:30
  • 11U     Thursday July 17th7:00-8:30
  • 10U     Tuesday July 22nd7:00-8:30
  • 8U and9 U   Wednesday July 23rd 7:00-8:30
  • Make-up Thursday July 24th7:00-8:30
  • Make-up Tuesday July 29th 7:00-8:30

Adjustments and Makeups

  • Every Tuesday Night in August from 8:00-9:00

*Dates & times subject to change

Park Ridge Football & Cheer provides each Travel Falcon football player with the majority of the necessary equipment to play football.

Registration cost includes rental of the following:
• NOCSAE certified helmet that is rated best-in-class by the Virginia Tech STAR evaluation system (e.g. Riddell SpeedFlex, Riddell Victor I, Xenith)
• Riddell shoulder pads
• Practice and Game pants
• Practice and Game jerseys
• Game Socks

Park Ridge Falcon Travel Football players are responsible for providing:
• Girdle
• Cleats
• Mouth guard
• Optional: gloves, padded compression shirt

Park Ridge Travel Falcon players will pick up their League issued equipment in July, and return all of the issued equipment at the end of the season. We will require a check in the amount of $300 made out to “Park Ridge Football”. This is only to ensure we receive our equipment back. Once you turn in the equipment at one of our equipment hand ins, we hand you back your uncashed check. If you have multiple children, you will need multiple deposit checks. In addition, we will need a copy of birth certificate if you are a new player. Equipment will not be handed out without having all items at equipment fittings.

Park Ridge Travel Falcons Football will follow the rule books issued by the Bill George Youth Football League (BGYFL).

24 Hour Rule – Parents should not talk to our coaches about a game or practice until 24 hours after the event. We encourage you to set up a meeting or conversation, and discourage angry emails or texts. Upon some time and reflection, we believe we can improve direct, constructive feedback but after some of the hostility and emotions have been tempered. If that approach fails to address the issue after several attempts, then feel free to reach out to our Board leadership.

Park Ridge Travel Falcons in Action

What We Teach Student-Athletes


We teach our players the importance of having respect for all players coaches and referees, as well as following all the rules. 


All our players learn and the importance of how to be a part of a team so that he or she and his or her teammates can all succeed. 


We not only teach our players the importance of hard work to improve but also that it is fun to accomplish the goals they set. 


We teach our young athletes how to be well-mannered individuals on and off the field so they represent our organization with pride.